Options: --listen, -l Frontend socket to listen to syslog connections on (/dev/log) --connect, -c Backend socket to connect to real syslog daemon (/dev/logwall) --rules, -r File to read event-level rules from (/etc/logwall/rules) --stream-rules File to read stream-level rules from (/etc/logwall/stream-rules) --pidfile, -P File to write PID into (/var/run/logwall.pid) --statsfile, -S File to write and update statistics in JSON format into (/var/run/shm/logwall-stats.json) --stats-write-min-interval Minimum amount of seconds to wait between flush stats file (1) --fifo, -f Fifo specifications (see below) to listen to raw log messages on --quiet, -q Output less messages at start --configtest, -t Run normally but evaluate all test terms in all rules to test the configuration syntax Fifo syntax: "NICKNAME:OWNER:GROUP:MODE:FILEPATH", where Messages coming in on this fifo can be matched by "fifonick==NICKNAME". NICKNAME must start with alphanum or empty, in latter case basename of FILEPATH will be used. OWNER and GROUP are system user- and groupname, or UID and GID, or -1. MODE defaults to 0666. FILEPATH will be created and opened for read.