2opml - Convert list of URLs to OPML.


2opml - Convert list of URLs to OPML.


2opml [--add-attributes <ATTRIBUTES>] < urls.txt


Convert text file, containing "<TITLE> <URL>" looking lines, to OPML.

 adr2html - Convert Opera Hostlist 2.0 bookmarks to HTML


adr2html - Convert Opera Hostlist 2.0 bookmarks to HTML

 asterisk-log-separator - Split up Asterisk PBX log file into multiple files based on which process wrote each part


asterisk-log-separator - Split up Asterisk PBX log file into multiple files based on which process wrote each part

 awk-cut - Select fields from input stream with awk


awk-cut - Select fields from input stream with awk


awk-cut [COLUMNS-SPEC]

Where COLUMNS-SPEC is a variation of these:




 base58 - Encode to Base58


base58 - Encode to (decode from) Base58

 base64url - Encode to Base64-URL encoding


base64url - Encode to (decode from) Base64-URL encoding

 bencode2json - Convert Bencode to JSON


bencode2json - Convert Bencode (BitTorrent's loosely structured data) to JSON

 cdexec - Run a given command in the given directory


cdexec - Run a given command in the given directory


cdexec [--home | <DIRECTORY>] [--] <COMMAND> [<ARGS>]

Run a given command in the given directory. Set the target directory to the command's self directory if not given.

 chattr-cow - try hard to enable Copy-on-Write attribute on files


chattr-cow - try hard to enable Copy-on-Write attribute on files

chattr-nocow - try hard to disable Copy-on-Write attribute on files

 chattr-cow - try hard to enable Copy-on-Write attribute on files


chattr-cow - try hard to enable Copy-on-Write attribute on files

chattr-nocow - try hard to disable Copy-on-Write attribute on files

 chromium_cookie_decrypt.py - Decrypt Chromium web browser stored cookies and output cleartext


chromium_cookie_decrypt.py - Decrypt Chromium web browser stored cookies and output cleartext

 chshebang - Change a script's default interpreter


chshebang - Change a script's default interpreter

 convert_chromium_cookies_to_netscape.sh - Convert Chromium and derivative web browser's cookies to Netscape format


convert_chromium_cookies_to_netscape.sh - Convert Chromium and derivative web browser's cookies to Netscape format (used by wget and curl)

 corner_time - Place a digital clock in the upper right hand corner of the terminal


corner_time - Place a digital clock in the upper right hand corner of the terminal

 cut.awk - Output only the selected fields from the input stream, parameters follow awk syntax


cut.awk - Output only the selected fields from the input stream, parameters follow awk(1) syntax



 daemonctl - Manage preconfigured libslack daemon daemons more conveniently


daemonctl - Manage preconfigured libslack daemon(1) daemons more conveniently


Daemonctl presumes some facts about the system:

daemons are configured in /etc/daemon.conf
daemons log to /syslog/daemon/daemon.<DAEMON>/today.log
 dataurl2bin - Decode "data:..." URLs from input stream and output the raw binary data


dataurl2bin - Decode "data:..." URLs from input stream and output the raw binary data

 debdiff - Display differences between 2 Debian packages


debdiff - Display differences between 2 Debian packages (*.deb files)

 descpids - List all descendant process PIDs of the given process


descpids - List all descendant process PIDs of the given process(es)

 dfbar - Display disk space usage with simple bar chart


dfbar - Display disk space usage with simple bar chart (as reported by df(1))

 digasn - Query Autonom System Number from DNS


digasn - Query Autonom System Number (ASN) from DNS

 diu - Display Inode usage, similar to du for space usage


diu - Display Inode usage, similar to du(1) for space usage

 dlnew - Download web resource if local copy is older


dlnew - Download web resource if local copy is older


dlnew [-C] <url> <file>


Download content from web if newer than local copy (based on Last-Modified and caching headers).



Bypass validating cache.


URL to be downloaded. Schema can be HTTP or HTTPS.


Local file data have to written in. If omitted, last component (basename) of url will be used.


  1. Url ia found and downloaded.

  2. General error, system errors.

  3. Local file's freshness validated by saved cache metadata, not downloaded.

  4. Download not OK. (usually Not Found)

  5. Url found but not modified. (HTTP 304)

  6. Url found but not updated, based on Last-Modified header.


 eat - Read and echo back input


eat - Read and echo back input (like cat(1)) until interrupted (ie. ignore end-of-file)

 errorlevel - Exit with the given status code


errorlevel - Exit with the given status code


 fcomplete - Complete a smaller file with the data from a bigger one


fcomplete - Complete a smaller file with the data from a bigger one

 fc-search-codepoint - Print the names of available X11 fonts containing the given code point


fc-search-codepoint - Print the names of available X11 fonts containing the given code point(s)

 fdupes-hardlink - Make hardlinks from identical files as reported by fdupes


fdupes-hardlink - Make hardlinks from identical files as reported by fdupes(1)

 ff - Find files horizontally, ie. a whole directory level at a time, across subtrees


ff - Find files horizontally, ie. a whole directory level at a time, across subtrees


ff <pattern> [path-1] [path-2] ... [path-n]


Search files which name matches to pattern in paths directories recursively, case-insensitively. The file's path is matched if pattern contains '/'. Searching is done horizontaly, ie. scan the upper-most directory level first completely, then dive into the next level and scan those directories before moving to the 3rd level deep, and so on. This way users usually find what they search for more quickly.

 fgat - Execute command in foreground at a given time


fgat - Execute command in foreground at a given time


fgat <time-spec> <command> [arguments]


In opposite of at(1), fgat(1) stays in console's foreground and waits for time-spec, after that runs command. time-spec can be any string accepted by date(1).


 findnewestfile - Search for the newest file in a given path recursively and always show the most recent while scanning


findnewestfile - Search for the newest file in a given path recursively and always show the most recent while scanning

findoldestfile - Search for the oldest file in a given path recursively and always show the most older while scanning


findnewestfile [path]

findoldestfile [path]


Search for the newest/oldest file in given directory and in its subdirectories showing files immediately when found one newer/older than the past ones.

 findnewestfile - Search for the newest file in a given path recursively and always show the most recent while scanning


findnewestfile - Search for the newest file in a given path recursively and always show the most recent while scanning

findoldestfile - Search for the oldest file in a given path recursively and always show the most older while scanning


findnewestfile [path]

findoldestfile [path]


Search for the newest/oldest file in given directory and in its subdirectories showing files immediately when found one newer/older than the past ones.

 fixlogfiledatetime - Set the target files modification time to their respective last log entry's timestamp


fixlogfiledatetime - Set the target files modification time to their respective last log entry's timestamp

 fixRFC822filemtime - Set a file's last modification time, which contains an email message in RFC-822 format, to the email's Date


fixRFC822filemtime - Set a file's last modification time, which contains an email message in RFC-822 format, to the email's Date

 fmtkv - Tranform key=value pairs into 1 pair by 1 line on the output


fmtkv - Tranform key=value (each optionally double-quoted) pairs into 1 pair by 1 line on the output

 foreach - Run an OS or shell command on each input line, similar to xargs


foreach - Run an OS or shell command on each input line, similar to xargs(1)

 g_filename_to_uri - Mimic g_filename_to_uri GLib function creating a file:// url from path string


g_filename_to_uri - Mimic g_filename_to_uri() GLib function creating a file:// url from path string


 gitdiff - View two files' diff by git-diff, even not under git version control


gitdiff - View two files' diff by git-diff(1), even not under git version control


 Head - output as many lines from the first part of files as many lines on the terminal currently


Head - output as many lines from the first part of files as many lines on the terminal currently

 header.sed - Echo the input stream up to the first empty line


header.sed - Echo the input stream up to the first empty line (usual end-of-header marker)

 indent2tree - Makes TAB-indented text into ascii tree chart


indent2tree - Makes TAB-indented text into ascii tree chart


Input: lines with leading tabs representing the depth in the tree

Output: ascii tree chart with drawing chars


 inisort - Sort keys in an INI file according to the order of keys in an other INI file


inisort - Sort keys in an INI file according to the order of keys in an other INI file


inisort [<UNSORTED>] [<REFERENCE>] > [<SORTED>]

 is_gzip - Return 0 if the file in argument has gzip signature


is_gzip - Return 0 if the file in argument has gzip signature





jobsel <joblist> [COLUMNS]


Improved job control frontend for bash. joblist is a jobs -l output from which jobsel builds a menu. COLUMNS is an optional parameter, if omitted jobsel calls tput(1) to obtain number of columns on the terminal.


 Left,Right  Select item
 Enter       Switch to job in forground
 U           Hangup selected process             SIGHUP
 I           Interrupt process                   SIGINT
 S,T,Space   Suspend, Resume job        SIGCONT,SIGTSTP
 K           Kill process                       SIGKILL
 D           Process details
 X,C,L       Expanded, collapsed, in-line display mode
 Q           Dismiss menu


eval $(jobsel "$(jobs -l)" $COLUMNS)


Use as an alias

 alias j='eval $(jobsel "$(jobs -l)" $COLUMNS)'

Bind a function key for it

 bind -x '"\204"':"eval \$(jobsel \"\$(jobs -l)\" \$COLUMNS)"
 bind '"\ej"':"\"\204\"" # ESC-J
 Where 204 is an arbitrary free keyscan code
 json2bencode - Convert JSON to Bencode


json2bencode - Convert JSON to Bencode (BitTorrent's loosely structured data)


 kt - Run command in background terminal; keept convenience wrapper


kt - Run command in background terminal; keept(1) convenience wrapper

 LevelDB - Commandline interface for Google's leveldb key-value storage


LevelDB - Commandline interface for Google's leveldb key-value storage

 lines - Output only the given lines of the input stream


lines - Output only the given lines of the input stream

 screens - List all GNU/Screen sessions accessible by the user and all of their inner windows as well


screens - List all GNU/Screen sessions accessible by the user and all of their inner windows as well

 lnto - ln convenience wrapper; you enter link target paths relative to the current directory


lnto - ln(1) convenience wrapper; you enter link target paths relative to the current directory




 lsata - List ATA devices on the system


lsata - List ATA devices on the system

 lsenv - List environment variables of a process


lsenv - List environment variables of a process


lsenv <pid>

 mime_extract - Extract parts from a MIME multipart file and save them into separate files


mime_extract - Extract parts from a MIME multipart file and save them into separate files

 mkdeb - Create a Debian package


mkdeb - Create a Debian package (.deb)


mkdeb [-m | --multiarch]


Create a *.deb file according to the package name and version info found in ./deb/DEBIAN/control file and include all file in the package found in ./deb folder. Update some of control file's fields, eg. Version (increase by 1 if there is any file in the package newer than control file), Installed-Size...

In multiarch mode, instead of ./deb folder, it takes data from all folders in the current working directory which name is a valid Debian architecture name (eg. amd64, i386, ...), and stores temporary files in ./deb for building each architecture's package.

Mkdeb also considers mkdeb-perms.txt file in the current working directory to set some file attributes in the package, otherwise all file attributes are gonna be the same as on the original. Each line in this file looks like:




is an octal file permission mode, 3 or 4 digits, or "-" to ignore


UID or name of the owner user


GID or name of the owner group


the file's path itself to which the attributes are applied, relative to ./deb directory.

 moz_bookmarks - Read Mozilla bookmarks database and display titles and URLs line-by-line


moz_bookmarks - Read Mozilla bookmarks database and display titles and URLs line-by-line

 msg - Write to given user's open terminals


msg - Write to given user's open terminals


 multithrottler - Run given command if not reached the defined rate limit


multithrottler - Run given command if not reached the defined rate limit

 mysql-fix-orphan-privileges.php - Suggest SQL commands to clean up unused records in system tables which hold permission data


mysql-fix-orphan-privileges.php - Suggest SQL commands to clean up unused records in system tables which hold permission data

 noacute - Strip diacritics from letters on the input stream


noacute - Strip diacritics (acute, umlaut, ...) from letters on the input stream

 nocomment - remove comment lines from input stream


nocomment - remove comment lines from input stream


nocomment [grep-arguments]


This command does not overwrite nor write files, just prints them without comments. I.e. removing lines starting hashmark or semicolon.





 organizebydate - Rename files based on their date-time


organizebydate - Rename files based on their date-time

 palemoon-current-url - Display the webpage's URL which is currently open in Palemoon web browser


palemoon-current-url - Display the webpage's URL which is currently open in Palemoon web browser

 parsel - Select parts of a HTML document based on CSS selectors


parsel - Select parts of a HTML document based on CSS selectors


cat page.html | parsel <SELECTOR> [<SELECTOR> [...]]


This command takes an HTML document in STDIN and some CSS selectors in arguments. See 'parsel' and 'cssselect' python modules to see which selectors and pseudo selectors are supported.

Each SELECTOR selects a part in the DOM, but unlike CSS, does not narrow the DOM tree considered by subsequent selectors. So a sequence of div p arguments (2 arguments) selects all <DIV> and then all <P> in the document; in other words it is NOT equivalent to the div p css selector which selects only those <P> which are under any <DIV>.

Each SELECTOR also outputs what was matched, in the following format: First output an integer how many distinct HTML parts were selected, then output the selected parts themself each in its own line. CR, LF, and Backslash chars are escaped by one Backslash char. It's useful for programmatic consumption, because you only have to fist read a line which tells how many subsequent lines to read: each one is a DOM part on its own. Then just unescape Backslash-R, Backslash-N, and double Backslashes to get the HTML content.

Additionally it takes these special arguments as well:


Prefix your selector with an @ at sign to suppress output. Mnemonic: Command line echo suppression in DOS batch and in Makefile.

text{} or ::text

Remove HTML tags and leaves text content only before output. text{} syntax is borrowed from pup(1). ::text form is there for you if curly brackets are magical in your shell and you don't bother escaping. Note, ::text is not a valid CSS pseudo selector at the moment.

attr{ATTRIB} or [[ATTRIB]]

Output only the value of the uppermost selected element's ATTRIB attribute. attr{} syntax is borrowed from pup(1). Mnemonic for the [[ATTRIB]] form: in CSS you filter by tag attribute with [attr] square brackets, but as it's a valid selector, parsel(1) takes double square brackets to actually output the attribute.

/ (forward slash)

A stand-alone / takes the current selection as a base for the rest of the selectors. Mnemonic: one directory level deeper. So this arg sequence: .content / p div selects only those P and DIV elements which are inside a "content" class. This is useful because with css only, you can not group P and DIV together here. In other words neither .content p, div nor .content > p, div provides the same result.

.. (double period)

A stand-alone .. rewinds the base DOM selection to the previous base selection before the last /. Mnemonic: parent directory.


Rewind base selection back to the DOM's root. Note, :root is also a valid CSS pseudo selector, but in a subtree (entered into by /) it would yield only that subtree, not the original DOM, so parsel(1) goes back to it at this point. You likely need @ too to suppress output the whole document here.


  $ parsel input[type=text] < page.html
  <input type="text" name="domain" />
  <input type="text" name="username" />
  $ parsel input[type=text] [[name]] < page.html
  <input type="text" name="domain" />
  <input type="text" name="username" />
  $ parsel @input[type=text] [[name]] < page.html
  $ parsel @form ::text < page.html
  Enter your logon details:\
Click here to login:\




 partial - Show an earlier started long-running command's partial output


partial - Show an earlier started long-running command's partial output


partial [--restart|--forget|--wait|--pid] <COMMAND> [<ARGUMENTS>]


On first invocation partial(1) starts COMMAND in the background. On subsequent invocations, it prints the command's output to stdout which is generated so far, including the parts which are shown before too, and keep it running in the background. Hence the name 'partial', because it shows a command's partial output. When the command finished, partial(1) prints the whole output and exits with COMMAND's exit code.


-f, --forget

Terminate (SIGTERM) previous instance of the same command and clean up status directory, even if it's running.

-r, --restart

Terminate command if running (like with --forget) and start it again.

-w, --wait

On first run, wait for the complete output.

-p, --pid

display PID

-q, --quiet

less verbose


  1. command started

  2. partial output shown


    called command returned with this status code nnn


If COMMAND does not exit normally, but gets terminated by a signal, the exit code is indistinguishable from a normal exit's status code, due to bash(1) uses the value of 128+N as the exit status when a command terminates on a fatal signal N.

 paths2indent - Transform list of filesystem paths on input into an indented list of their leaf elements


paths2indent - Transform list of filesystem paths on input into an indented list of their leaf elements


Input: list of file paths line-by-line

Output: leaf file name with leading tabs representing the depth on the tree


 perl-repl - Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop wrapper for perl


perl-repl - Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop wrapper for perl(1)

 pipekill - Send signal to a process on the other end of the given pipe filedescriptor


pipekill - Send signal to a process on the other end of the given pipe filedescriptor

 PMbwmon - Poor man's bandwidth monitor


PMbwmon - Poor man's bandwidth monitor

 PMdirindex - Poor man's directory index generator, output HTML


PMdirindex - Poor man's directory index generator, output HTML

 PMdirindex - Poor man's hex diff viewer


PMdirindex - Poor man's hex diff viewer

 PMnslist - Poor man's namespace list


PMnslist - Poor man's namespace list

 PMpwgen - Poor man's password generator


PMpwgen - Poor man's password generator

 PMrecdiff - Poor man's directory tree difference viewer, comparing file names and sizes recursively


PMrecdiff - Poor man's directory tree difference viewer, comparing file names and sizes recursively

 pyzor-files - Run a pyzor command on the given files


pyzor-files - Run a pyzor(1) command on the given files

 qrwifi - Generate a string, used in WiFi-setup QR codes, containing a hotspot name and password


qrwifi - Generate a string, used in WiFi-setup QR codes, containing a hotspot name and password

 pvalve - Control how much a given command should run by an other command's exit code


pvalve - Control how much a given command should run by an other command's exit code



Controls when LONG RUNNING COMMAND should run, by pause and unpause it according to the CONTROL COMMAND's exit status.


Pause LONG RUNNING COMMAND process group with STOP signal(7) if CONTROL COMMAND exits non-zero. Unpause LONG RUNNING COMMAND process group with CONT signal(7) if CONTROL COMMAND exits zero.

Pvalve takes the last line from CONTROL COMMAND's stdout, and if looks like a time interval (ie. positive number with optional fraction followed by optional "s", "m", or "h" suffix) then the next checking of CONTROL COMMAND will start after that much time. Otherwise it takes PVALVE_INTERVAL environment variable, or start next check immediately if it's not set.

Pvalve won't bombard LONG RUNNING COMMAND with more consecutive STOP or CONT signals.


It's useful eg. for basic load control. Start a CPU-intensive program in LONG RUNNING COMMAND and check hardware temperature in CONTROL COMMAND. Make it exit 0 when temperature is below a certain value, and exit 1 if above an other, higher value.



Default interval between two CONTROL COMMAND runs.


PVALVE_STATUS describes whether LONG RUNNING COMMAND should be in running or in paused state. Possible values: RUN, STOP. This environment is available by CONTROL COMMAND.


Further process groups which are created by LONG RUNNING COMMAND will not be affected.

 renamemanual - Interactive file rename tool


renamemanual - Interactive file rename tool

 repeat - Run a give command repeatedly


repeat - Run a give command repeatedly


repeat <COMMAND> [<ARGS>]



How many times to repeat the given command. Default is infinite.


How many time the command has been ran. The command itself can access this variable to read.


Sleep interval between invocations. In seconds, by default. See sleep(1) for valid parameters.

 reportcmdstatus - Textually show how the given command finished


reportcmdstatus - Textually show how the given command finished (exit status/signal)


reportcmdstatus [-c] <COMMAND> [<ARGS>]


-c, --clone

Take COMMAND's status and itself exits with it. Default is to exit 0.

 rsacrypt - Encrypt/decrypt files with RSA


rsacrypt - Encrypt/decrypt files with RSA


 rsysrq - Send SysRQ commands remotely over the network


rsysrq - Send SysRQ commands remotely over the network

 screenconsole - Interactive CLI to run GNU/screen commands against current or specified screen session


screenconsole - Interactive CLI to run GNU/screen commands against current or specified screen session

 screen-notify - Send status-line message to the current GNU/Screen instance


screen-notify - Send status-line message to the current GNU/Screen instance

 screenreattach - Reattach to GNU/screen and import environment variables


screenreattach - Reattach to GNU/screen and import environment variables


 ssh-agent-finder - Find a working ssh agent on the system so you get the same in each of your logon sessions


ssh-agent-finder - Find a working ssh agent on the system so you get the same in each of your logon sessions


. ssh-agent-finder -Iva


 strip-ansi-seq - Dumb script removing more-or-less any ANSI escape sequences from the input stream


strip-ansi-seq - Dumb script removing more-or-less any ANSI escape sequences from the input stream

 swap - swaps two files' names


swap - swaps two files' names

 symlinks2dot - Generate a graph in dot format representing the symlink-target relations among the given files


symlinks2dot - Generate a graph in dot(1) format representing the symlink-target relations among the given files

 tabularize - Takes TAB-delimited lines of text and outputs formatted table.


tabularize - Takes TAB-delimited lines of text and outputs formatted table.

 Tail - output as many lines from the end of files as many lines on the terminal currently


Tail - output as many lines from the end of files as many lines on the terminal currently

 takeown - Take ownership on files, even for unprivileged users


takeown - Take ownership on files, even for unprivileged users


takeown [options] <files and directories>


Command chown(1) or chown(2) is permitted only for root (and processes with CAP_CHOWN), but normal users can imitate this behavior. You can copy other users' file to your own in a directory writable by you, and then replace the original file with your copy. It is quite tricky and maybe expensive (copying huge files), but gives you an option. Say, when somebody forgot to use the right user account when saving files directly to your folders.

takeown(1) uses *.takeown and *.tookown filename extensions to create new files and to rename existing files to respectively.

See takeown --help for option list.


Call stack

  script --> main --> takeown
                      /  |  \
                     /   |   \
                    /    |    \
            takeown   takeown  takeown
            _file    _symlink  _directory
              |         |           |
  - - - - - - | - - - - | - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  error       |         |           |
  handler     |         |           V         ,---> register_created_dir
  function:   |         |  ,--> takeown       |
  cleanup     |         |  |    _directory ---+---> register_moved_file
              |         |  |    _recursive    |
              |         |  |      | |     \   `---> register_
              |         |  `------´ |      \    ,-> copied_file
              |         V           V       \   |
              |      copy_out <-- copy_out --\--'
              |      _symlink     /           \
              V                  /            |
          copy_out <------------´             |
            _file                             |
              |                               |
              `-------> copy_attributes <-----´

 taslis - WM's Window List


taslis - WM's Window List


Taslis stands for tasklist. List X11 clients provided by wmctrl(1) in ANSI-compatible terminal.



Select item


Switch to workspace and raise window


Close window gracefully


Hangup selected process


Interrupt process


Suspend, Resume process


Kill process


Process's details





 tests - Show all attributes of the given files which can be tested by test shows them


tests - Show all attributes of the given files which can be tested by test(1) in the same color as ls(1) shows them

 text2img-dataurl - Convert text input to image in "data:..." URL representation


text2img-dataurl - Convert text input to image in "data:..." URL representation

 touchx - set execution bit on files and creates them if neccessary


touchx - set execution bit on files and creates them if neccessary

 ttinput - Inject console input in a terminal as if the user typed


ttinput - Inject console input in a terminal as if the user typed


echo Lorm ipsum | ttinput /dev/pts/1



 uchmod - chmod files according to umask


uchmod - chmod files according to umask


uchmod [-v] [-R] [path-1] [path-2] ... [path-n]


Change mode bits of files and directories according to umask(1) settings using chmod(1). Use it when file modes were messed up, uchmod change them like mode of newly created files.

 unicodestyle - Add font styles to input text using Unicode


unicodestyle - Add font styles to input text using Unicode

 upsidedown - Transliterate input stream to text with upsidedown-looking chars


upsidedown - Transliterate input stream to text with upsidedown-looking chars

 url_encode - Escape URL-unsafe chars in text given either in parameters or in stdin by percent-encoding


url_encode - Escape URL-unsafe chars in text given either in parameters or in stdin by percent-encoding

url_decode - Unescape percent-encoded sequences given either in parameters or in stdin

 url_encode - Escape URL-unsafe chars in text given either in parameters or in stdin by percent-encoding


url_encode - Escape URL-unsafe chars in text given either in parameters or in stdin by percent-encoding

url_decode - Unescape percent-encoded sequences given either in parameters or in stdin

 url_encode_bf - Make all chars given either in parameters or in stdin to percent-encoded sequence


url_encode_bf - Make all chars given either in parameters or in stdin to percent-encoded sequence

 url-parts - Extract specified parts from URLs given in input stream


url-parts - Extract specified parts from URLs given in input stream


echo <URL> | url-parts <PART> [<PART> [<PART> [...]]]


Supported parts: fragment, hostname, netloc, password, path, port, query, scheme, username, and query.NAME for the query parameter NAME, and query.NAME.N for Nth element of the array parameter NAME.

Run url-parts --help for the definitive list of URL part names supported by the python urlparse module installed on your system.

 vidir-sanitize - Helper script to change tricky filenames in a directory


vidir-sanitize - Helper script to change tricky filenames in a directory


Not need to invoke vidir-sanitize directly. vidir(1) calls it internally.


VISUAL=vidir-sanitize vidir


vidir(1) from moreutils

 vifiles - Edit multiple files as one


vifiles - Edit multiple files as one


If a LF char at the end of any files is missing, it'll be added after edit.


vidir(1) from moreutils

 waitpid - Wait for a process to end


waitpid - Wait for a process to end (even if not child of current shell)

 whisper-retention-info - Show data retention policy in Whisper timeseries database file


whisper-retention-info - Show data retention policy in Whisper timeseries database file

 wikibot - Update Wikimedia article


wikibot - Update Wikimedia (Wikipedia) article

 xdg-autostart - Start XDG autostart programms


xdg-autostart - Start XDG autostart programms

 xml2json - Convert XML input to JSON


xml2json - Convert XML input to JSON

 levenshtein-distance - Calculate the Levenshtein distance of given strings


levenshtein-distance - Calculate the Levenshtein distance of given strings

jaro-metric - Calculate the Jaro metric of given strings

jaro-winkler-metric - Calculate the Jaro-Winkler metric of given strings

 levenshtein-distance - Calculate the Levenshtein distance of given strings


levenshtein-distance - Calculate the Levenshtein distance of given strings

jaro-metric - Calculate the Jaro metric of given strings

jaro-winkler-metric - Calculate the Jaro-Winkler metric of given strings

 levenshtein-distance - Calculate the Levenshtein distance of given strings


levenshtein-distance - Calculate the Levenshtein distance of given strings

jaro-metric - Calculate the Jaro metric of given strings

jaro-winkler-metric - Calculate the Jaro-Winkler metric of given strings

 loggerexec - Run a command and send STDOUT and STDERR to syslog


loggerexec - Run a command and send STDOUT and STDERR to syslog

 logrotate-counters - Increment numbers in file names


logrotate-counters - Increment numbers in file names

 logto - Run a command and append its STDOUT and STDERR to a file


logto - Run a command and append its STDOUT and STDERR to a file

 pdfflop - Flop a PDF file's pages


pdfflop - Flop a PDF file's pages

 pngmetatext - Put metadata text into PNG file


pngmetatext - Put metadata text into PNG file

 set-sys-path - Set PATH according to /etc/environment and run a program


set-sys-path - Set PATH according to /etc/environment and run a program

 subst_sudo_user - Sudo helper program


subst_sudo_user - Sudo helper program


subst_sudo_user <COMMAND> [<ARGUMENTS>]

Substitute literal $SUDO_USER in the ARGUMENTS and run COMMAND.


It enables sys admins to define sudoers(5) rule in which each user is allowed to call a privileged command with thier own username in parameters. Example:

  %users ALL=(root:root) NOPASSWD: /usr/tool/subst_sudo_user passwd $SUDO_USER

This rule allows users to run subst_sudo_user (and subsequentially passwd(1)) as root with verbatim $SUDO_USER parameter. So no shell variable resolution happens so far. Subst_sudo_user in turn, running as root, replaces $SUDO_USER to the value of SUDO_USER environment variable, which is, by sudo(1), guaranteed to be the caller username. Then it runs passwd(1) (still as root) to change the given user's password. So effectively with this rule, each user can change their password without knowing the current one first (because passwd(1) usually does not ask root for his password).


  %USERS ALL=(root:root) NOPASSWD: /usr/tool/subst_sudo_user /usr/bin/install -o $SUDO_USER -m 0750 -d /var/backup/user/$SUDO_USER
 terminaltitle - Set the current terminal's title string


terminaltitle - Set the current terminal's title string

 timestamper - Prepend a timestamp to each input line


timestamper - Prepend a timestamp to each input line



Timestamp format, see strftime(3). Default is "%F %T %z".


ts(1) from moreutils

 set-xcursor-lock-and-run - Set X11 cursor to a padlock and run a command


set-xcursor-lock-and-run - Set X11 cursor to a padlock and run a command

 mkmagnetlink - Create a "magnet:" link out of a torrent file


mkmagnetlink - Create a "magnet:" link out of a torrent file

 htmlentities - Convert plain text into HTML-safe text


htmlentities - Convert plain text into HTML-safe text



escape control chars (0x00-0x1F except TAB, LF, and CR)


escape meta chars (less-than, greater-than, ampersand, double- and single-quote)


scape non-ASCII chars

 pfx2pem - Convert PFX certificate file to PEM format


pfx2pem - Convert PFX (PKCS#12) certificate file to PEM format


 symlinks-analyze - Discover where symlinks point at, recursively


symlinks-analyze - Discover where symlinks point at, recursively


 filterexec - Echo those arguments with which the given command returns zero.


filterexec - Echo those arguments with which the given command returns zero.


filterexec <COMMAND> [<ARGS>] -- <DATA-1> [<DATA-2> [... <DATA-n>]]


Prints each DATA (1 per line) only if command "COMMAND ARGS DATA" exits succesfully, ie. with zero exit status.


  filterexec test -d -- $(ls)

Shows only the directories.

 trackrun - Record when the given command was started and ended and expose to it in environment variables


trackrun - Record when the given command was started and ended and expose to it in environment variables


trackrun [<OPTIONS>] [--] <COMMAND> [<ARGS>]


-f, --full-command
-b, --command-basename (default)
-n, --name NAME
-e, --env-var ENV


It records when it starts COMMAND and when it ends, identifying COMMAND either by one of 4 options: (1) Full command line including ARGS. (2) Only the command name, COMMAND. (3) By the name given by the user in NAME. (4) By the environment variable given by name ENV.

Set TRACKRUN_LAST_STARTED and TRACKRUN_LAST_ENDED environments for COMMAND to the ISO 8601 representation of the date and time when COMMAND was last started and ended respectively. Set TRACKRUN_LAST_STATUS to the status COMMAND last exited with. Those are left empty if no data yet.


Store tracking data in ~/.trackrun directory.




Trackrun does not do locking. You may take care of it if you need using flock(1), cronrun(1), or similar.

 oded - On-disk editor - edit text files by commands directly from shell


oded - On-disk editor - edit text files by commands directly from shell




Edit files by issuing editor commands like shell commands, but with the paradigm of well-known visual text processors: open file, move cursor, type in text, search and replace, select, copy, paste, ...

May open multiple files. Always one file is in the foreground. All opened files has a cursor position at which most commands are applied.

Files also have several marks which you can set or refer to in select or goto commands. A special pair of marks is SELECTION-START and SELECTION-END which pins the currently selected text for you.

You have one clipboard.

Oded first executes INSTRUCTIONS given in parameters, then all the instructions given at --script option(s), if any.


-f, --script FILE

Take instructions from FILE when done processing instructions given in parameters. May specify multiple times. Exit immediately on unknown command or parse error or if a command fails.


Take instructions from STDIN line-by-line. Contrary to --script scripts, it does not exit on errors, just shows what was the exception, and continues reading instructions. Suitable for interactive mode. Same as --script -, except in error handling.

-v, --verbose
-b, --successful-prompt-command INSTRUCTIONS

Set what INSTRUCTIONS to run after each successful command in interactive mode (ie. --stdin).


open [file] PATH [as NAME]
open or create [file] PATH [as NAME]
open new [file] PATH [as NAME]

Open PATH file to edit. open file PATH only opens already existing files, open or create ... creates the file if it is not yet there. open new file ... opens a file only if it does not exist yet.

You can switch between multiple opened files by invoking open PATH or open file PATH again, or open NAME if you opened the file under a certain NAME by as NAME.

Don't worry, it won't open the same PATH multiple time with conflicting editor states. However your system may allow accessing the same file (by soft and hard links) on different paths. Oded considers only the PATH string when discerning files, so x.txt and ./x.txt and .//x.txt are handled separatedly. You have to open a file before any operation.

open [NAME | PATH]

Switch to an already opened file with the given NAME alias or PATH path, if NAME alias is not found. You can not open a file on path PATH once you set NAME as an alias for a file on an other PATH. But you can always refer to the same path by prepending ./ (or / in case of absolute paths) to it.

goto end of [last] search result
goto [start | end] [of file]
goto [start | end] of line
goto [sof | eof | sol | eol]
goto [previous | next] line
goto [line | offset] NUMBER

Lines and byte offsets are indexed by 0.

goto mark NAME

Set cursor position in file.

go [back | forward] COUNT line[s]
[go] [up | down | left | right] [COUNT times]
enter [STRING]

Insert given STRING into the current cursor position. It does not overwrite current selection. Add newline to the end only if called as c<enter>.

overwrite with STRING
overtype with STRING

Type given STRING into the current cursor position in overwrite mode. It does not overwrite current selection, but the text itself let it be currently selected or not.

replace all [[occurrences of] PATTERN] to STRING
replace all [occurrences | PATTERN] to STRING
replace [next [COUNT]] [[occurrence[s] of] PATTERN] to STRING
replace [next [COUNT]] [occurrence[s] | PATTERN] to STRING

Replace given PATTERN to STRING. If PATTERN is not given, then the last search pattern will be used. "Replace next" changes only the next COUNT number of occurrences starting from the cursor position. Default is 1 occurrence, if COUNT is not given. "Replace all" changes all the occurrences from the cursor position down to the end of file. If you want to replace all the occurrences in the whole file, "goto start" first.

delete [COUNT char[s]]
backspace [COUNT char[s]]
search [next] PATTERN [backward]

Find next occurrence (or previous one if "backward" is specified) of PATTERN and set the cursor to it. PATTERN is either a bare word, a string enclosed in quotes, or a regexp enclosed in slashes (/regexp/). PATTERN is not supported to overhang from one line to the next. Remove newlines from the text if you must. If the cursor is at a matching text, search PATTERN will find the very place where we are, while search next ... skips 1 char and continues from there.

search next [//]

Continue searching the next occurrence of the last search query. You may close this instruction with an empty pattern (//) to separate it from the next instruction, since the empty search PATTERN (both fixed text and regexp) is invalid, thus not searching an other pattern but the last one. In interactive mode search next is enough.

mark as NAME

Put a named mark to the current cursor position. NAME must not be a reserved mark name: START, END, SOL, EOL, HERE.

clear mark NAME
select from START-MARK to END-MARK

Select text from the previously named mark START-MARK to END-MARK. Put marks with mark as command. You have some special predefined marks:

START beginning of the file
END end of the file
HERE current cursor position
SOL start of line
EOL end of line, excluding the line ending (Newline) char
select [from | to] MARK

If either from or to is missing, HERE is implied.

select [last] search result
select none
select [COUNT] [char[s] | word[s] | line[s]]
copy [[selection] | [last] search result | to [start | end] of line]
cut [[selection] | [last] search result | to [start | end] of line]
delete [selection | [last] search result | to [start | end] of line]
[copy | cut] [selection]
delete selection
[copy | cut | delete] [last] search result
[copy | cut | delete] to [the] [start | end] of line
paste [selection]
insert file FILE
insert output of COMMAND

Insert FILE's contents or the output (stdout) of COMMAND to the current cursor position.

filter selection through COMMAND
send selection to COMMAND

Send selected text to COMMAND as stdin, and in case of filter, replace selection with its stdout.

show open[ed] file[s]

Display a list of file paths which were opened. The one in foreground prefixed with an * asterisk. If any of them opened by an alias name, it shown after the path in [] brackets.

show contents [with cursor] [with selection] [with marks]

Show the contents of the file in foreground.

show cursor
show marks
set OPTION [on | off | VALUE]
unset OPTION
show options
[show] help
 cled - Command Line-Editor - Edit text file lines by commands directly from shell


cled - Command Line-Editor - Edit text file lines by commands directly from shell


 cled [<OPTIONS>] <EXPR> [<EXPR> [...]] [-- <FILE> [<FILE> [...]]]


Each EXPR expression consist of an optional SELECTOR term and a command and variable number of arguments depending on the command (see COMMANDS section), like:

 <SELECTOR>[..<SELECTOR>] <COMMAD> [<ARG> [<ARG> [...]]]

You may narrow the COMMAND's effect by a SELECTOR term. A SELECTOR selects either one line or a closed range of lines. For ranges, put .. (double dot) between SELECTORs. A SELECTOR may be a regexp, ie. /PATTERN/[MODIFIERS], or a line number, or the literal word last which means the last line. SELECTOR syntax:

 [ /<REGEXP>/[<MODIFIERS>][[+ | -]<OFFSET>] | <LINE> | last[-<OFFSET>] ]



Select line 10 and all subsequent lines down to the first one matching to case-insensitive "lorem".


Select the lines between /begin/ and /end/ inclusively.


Select the lines between /begin/ and /end/ exclusively.

The 2nd SELECTOR does not get tested on the same line as the 1st SELECTOR. So you can select at least a 2-lines long range by eg. /start/../stop/. If the 2nd SELECTOR is REGEXP and it does not match any lines, then practically it's an open-ended range, so the rest of the file is selected. Line numbers are indexed from 0.

REGEXP and the last SELECTOR have an optional OFFSET: eg. /begin/+2 selects the 2nd line following a line matching to /begin/. The last SELECTOR obviously supports only negative OFFSETs.

An EXPR expression can be a group denoted by brackets, in which there are subexpressions like EXPR. This way you can do multiple COMMAND commands, all when the common SELECTOR matches to the line in order:

 /^d/ [ ltrim prepend " " ]

Which removes all leading whitespace, if any, from lines starting with "d" and inserts a single space at the beginning of all of them. See COMMANDS below for all the supported editor commands.

Currently 3 type of brackets are supported: [ ... ] square, { ... } curly, and ( ... ) parenthesis. Use the square one to save shell escaping.


-f, --file PATH

File to edit. May specify multiple times. Files are edited in-place by default, by persisting their Inode, ie. buffer the output data and write to the original input file when it's all read up. If --output option(s) is (are) given, then the file(s) won't be modified in-place, rather than saved in output file(s). If not given any --file, works on STDIN and print to STDOUT.

-o, --output PATH

File to save modified data into. May specify multiple times. If less --output parameters given than --file, then the input files without a corresponding output file will be edited in-place.

-c, --confirm

Prompt for confirmation for each selected line. If a readline module is installed then you may do further changes to the lines interactively. Term::ReadLine::Gnu(3pm) module is recommended.

Press Ctrl-J to insert newline (LF) at the cursor position, as it's not added automaticaly to the end of line.

If no readline module available, press only a single Enter to accept changes, and Ctrl-C to revert to the original line, or type in new content and press Enter to replace the promped line (newline is added to the end in this case). Additionally an inverse space char at the end of line indicates if the last line is not terminated by a newline.

-v, --verbose

Print edited lines to STDERR. Prefixed with line number if option -l is given. A line is edited if it's selected by any SELECTOR and not reverted thereafter at the interactive prompt.


Show line numbers in verbose mode.



Regexp substitution. Works just like in perl(1). See perlre(1).


Edit selected lines interactively by a readline interface. See --confirm option in OPTIONS section for details.


Delete matching line(s).

ltrim, rtrim, trim

Remove leading (ltrim), trailing (rtrim), or leading and trailing (trim) whitespace from the line. End-of-line char (LF, \ ) is preserved.

replace STR1 STR2

Replace all STR1 to STR2.

replaceword STR1 STR2

Replace whole word STR1 to STR2.

replaceline STR

Replace the whole line to STR.

prepend STR

Prepend STR to the line.

insertline STR

Insert STR as a whole line before the matching line(s). Line numbering is preserved as there was not an inserted line, ie. line numbers are not incremented.

insertfile PATH

Insert the content of PATH file before the matching line(s). The last line of PATH file will be separated from the matched line by a newline (LF) either way. Line numbering is preserved as described above.

append STR

Append STR to the line.

appendline STR

Append STR as a whole line to the matching line(s). Line numbering is preserved as described above.



 mail-extract-raw-headers - Get named headers from RFC822-format input.


mail-extract-raw-headers - Get named headers from RFC822-format input.


mail-extract-raw-headers [OPTIONS] <NAME> [<NAME> [...]]


-k, --keep-newlines, --keep-linefeeds

Keep linefeeds in multiline text.

-n, --header-names

Output the header name(s) too, not only the contents.



 randstr - Generate random string from a given set of characters and with a given length.


randstr - Generate random string from a given set of characters and with a given length.


randstr <LENGTH> [<CHARS>]


CHARS is a character set expression, see tr(1). Default CHARS is [a-zA-Z0-9_]

 rcmod - Run a given command and modify its Return Code according to the rules given by the user


rcmod - Run a given command and modify its Return Code according to the rules given by the user


rcmod [<FROM>=<TO> [<FROM>=<TO> [...]]] <COMMAND> [<ARGS>]


If COMMAND returned with code FROM then rcmod(1) returns with TO. FROM may be a comma-delimited list. Keyword any means any return code not specified in FROM parameters. Keyword same makes the listed exit codes to be preserved.

  rcmod any=0 1=13 2,3=same user-command

It runs user-command, then exits with status 13 if user-command exited with 1, 2 if 2, 3 if 3, and 0 for any other return value.

If COMMAND was terminated by a signal, rcmod(1) exits with 128 + signal number like bash(1) does.

 killp - Send signal to processes by PID until they end


killp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PID until they end

killpgrp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PGID until they end

killcmd - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by name until they end

killexe - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by their executable path until they end


killp [OPTIONS] <PID> [<PID> [...]]


Send signal to process(es) by PID, PGID (process group ID), command name, or by executable path until the selected process(es) exists. Ie. in usuall invocation, eg. killcmd java tries to SIGTERM all java processes until at least 1 exists, and returns only afterwards.


The following options control how killcmd and killexe finds processes. Semantics are the same as in grep(1):

  -E --extended-regexp
  -F --fixed-strings
  -G --basic-regexp
  -P --perl-regexp
  -i --ignore-case
  -w --word-regexp
  -x --line-regexp

Other options:


Which signal to send. See kill(1) and signal(7) for valid SIG signal names and numbers.


How much to wait between attempts. See sleep(1) for valid IVAL intervals.

-D, --debug


kill(1), pkill(1), killall(1), signal(7)

 killp - Send signal to processes by PID until they end


killp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PID until they end

killpgrp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PGID until they end

killcmd - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by name until they end

killexe - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by their executable path until they end


killp [OPTIONS] <PID> [<PID> [...]]


Send signal to process(es) by PID, PGID (process group ID), command name, or by executable path until the selected process(es) exists. Ie. in usuall invocation, eg. killcmd java tries to SIGTERM all java processes until at least 1 exists, and returns only afterwards.


The following options control how killcmd and killexe finds processes. Semantics are the same as in grep(1):

  -E --extended-regexp
  -F --fixed-strings
  -G --basic-regexp
  -P --perl-regexp
  -i --ignore-case
  -w --word-regexp
  -x --line-regexp

Other options:


Which signal to send. See kill(1) and signal(7) for valid SIG signal names and numbers.


How much to wait between attempts. See sleep(1) for valid IVAL intervals.

-D, --debug


kill(1), pkill(1), killall(1), signal(7)

 killp - Send signal to processes by PID until they end


killp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PID until they end

killpgrp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PGID until they end

killcmd - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by name until they end

killexe - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by their executable path until they end


killp [OPTIONS] <PID> [<PID> [...]]


Send signal to process(es) by PID, PGID (process group ID), command name, or by executable path until the selected process(es) exists. Ie. in usuall invocation, eg. killcmd java tries to SIGTERM all java processes until at least 1 exists, and returns only afterwards.


The following options control how killcmd and killexe finds processes. Semantics are the same as in grep(1):

  -E --extended-regexp
  -F --fixed-strings
  -G --basic-regexp
  -P --perl-regexp
  -i --ignore-case
  -w --word-regexp
  -x --line-regexp

Other options:


Which signal to send. See kill(1) and signal(7) for valid SIG signal names and numbers.


How much to wait between attempts. See sleep(1) for valid IVAL intervals.

-D, --debug


kill(1), pkill(1), killall(1), signal(7)

 killp - Send signal to processes by PID until they end


killp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PID until they end

killpgrp - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by PGID until they end

killcmd - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by name until they end

killexe - Send signal to processes (kill, terminate, ...) by their executable path until they end


killp [OPTIONS] <PID> [<PID> [...]]


Send signal to process(es) by PID, PGID (process group ID), command name, or by executable path until the selected process(es) exists. Ie. in usuall invocation, eg. killcmd java tries to SIGTERM all java processes until at least 1 exists, and returns only afterwards.


The following options control how killcmd and killexe finds processes. Semantics are the same as in grep(1):

  -E --extended-regexp
  -F --fixed-strings
  -G --basic-regexp
  -P --perl-regexp
  -i --ignore-case
  -w --word-regexp
  -x --line-regexp

Other options:


Which signal to send. See kill(1) and signal(7) for valid SIG signal names and numbers.


How much to wait between attempts. See sleep(1) for valid IVAL intervals.

-D, --debug


kill(1), pkill(1), killall(1), signal(7)






Wrap cal(1), ncal(1) around and highlight specific days.



Where DOW is a day-of-week name (3 letters), COLOR is a space- or hyphen-delimited list of ANSI color or other formatting style name, DATE (and START-DATE, END-DATE) is in [[YYYY-]MM-]DD format, ie. year and month are optional, and lack of them interpreted as "every year" and "every month" respectively.

In single date definition, DATE, may enter an asterisk * as month to select a given date in every month in the given year, or in every year if you leave out the year as well. Example: 1917-*-15

In the interval definition, may add several DOW days which makes only those days highlighted in the specified interval. Examples: 04-01...06-30,WED means every Wednesday in the second quarter. 1...7,FRI means the first Friday in every month.


Colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default.

May be preceded by bright, eg: bright red. May be followed by bg to set the background color instead of the foreground, eg: yellow-bg.

Styles: bold, faint, italic, underline, blink_slow, blink_rapid, inverse, conceal, crossed,






Wrap cal(1), ncal(1) around and highlight specific days.



Where DOW is a day-of-week name (3 letters), COLOR is a space- or hyphen-delimited list of ANSI color or other formatting style name, DATE (and START-DATE, END-DATE) is in [[YYYY-]MM-]DD format, ie. year and month are optional, and lack of them interpreted as "every year" and "every month" respectively.

In single date definition, DATE, may enter an asterisk * as month to select a given date in every month in the given year, or in every year if you leave out the year as well. Example: 1917-*-15

In the interval definition, may add several DOW days which makes only those days highlighted in the specified interval. Examples: 04-01...06-30,WED means every Wednesday in the second quarter. 1...7,FRI means the first Friday in every month.


Colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default.

May be preceded by bright, eg: bright red. May be followed by bg to set the background color instead of the foreground, eg: yellow-bg.

Styles: bold, faint, italic, underline, blink_slow, blink_rapid, inverse, conceal, crossed,