Wrap cal(1)
, ncal(1)
around and highlight specific days.
Where DOW is a day-of-week name (3 letters), COLOR is a space- or hyphen-delimited list of ANSI color or other formatting style name, DATE (and START-DATE, END-DATE) is in [[YYYY-]MM-]DD format, ie. year and month are optional, and lack of them interpreted as "every year" and "every month" respectively.
In single date definition, DATE, may enter an asterisk *
as month
to select a given date in every month in the given year, or in every
year if you leave out the year as well.
Example: 1917-*-15
In the interval definition, may add several DOW days which makes only
those days highlighted in the specified interval.
means every Wednesday in the second quarter.
means the first Friday in every month.
Colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default.
May be preceded by bright
, eg: bright red
May be followed by bg
to set the background color instead of the
foreground, eg: yellow-bg
Styles: bold, faint, italic, underline, blink_slow, blink_rapid, inverse, conceal, crossed,