jobsel <joblist> [COLUMNS]
Improved job control frontend for bash. joblist is a jobs -l
output from which jobsel builds a menu.
COLUMNS is an optional parameter, if omitted jobsel calls tput(1)
to obtain number of columns on the terminal.
Left,Right Select item Enter Switch to job in forground U Hangup selected process SIGHUP I Interrupt process SIGINT S,T,Space Suspend, Resume job SIGCONT,SIGTSTP K Kill process SIGKILL D Process details X,C,L Expanded, collapsed, in-line display mode Q Dismiss menu
eval $(jobsel "$(jobs -l)" $COLUMNS)
alias j='eval $(jobsel "$(jobs -l)" $COLUMNS)'
bind -x '"\204"':"eval \$(jobsel \"\$(jobs -l)\" \$COLUMNS)" bind '"\ej"':"\"\204\"" # ESC-J
Where 204 is an arbitrary free keyscan code